

Data & Demographics

The following section of community information has been provided as a resource to help you in your site selection decision. If you are considering a Westervelt Communities property, please call (205) 562-5531 for further assistance in finding community data. Below are a few advantages that Central and West Alabama have to offer.

  • Lower Cost of Doing Business
    Alabama helps keep the cost of doing business lower by offering tax abatements and incentives to qualifying companies located in the state. Alabama does not leverage property taxes on inventory and allows businesses to deduct all of their federal taxes apportioned to Alabama on their corporate income taxes. Learn more about Alabama's Taxes & Incentives.
  • Be Closer to the South's Automotive and High Tech Industries
    Many of the Westervelt Communities commercial properties are located near major automotive, high tech, and information technologies companies. Resources for these industries, such as workforce training, are available at the state and local levels. Learn more about target industries near Westervelt Communities properties.
  • Stay Connected with Major Markets
    Central Alabama is the meeting point of several major interstates, including I-20, I-59, and I-65. The area also includes major U.S. highways and is in close proximity to Birmingham International Airport and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Alabama is a day's drive from most major markets in the Southeast. Learn more about the transportation network in Central and West Alabama.
  • Large Tracts of Available Land and Utility-Ready Industrial Parks
    Westervelt Communities has many large tracts of commercial property available, as well as land at two industrial parks in Central and West Alabama. Learn more about the available commercial properties and about community utility information.